Self-determination offers people with disabilities greater access to the things that will give their lives meaning and fulfillment, and thus, enhances their independence because independence isn’t necessarily just about living alone, but about making our own choices to determine the course of our lives. On these links, read about independence and self-determination, information about transitioning to adult life from experts, self-advocates and parents and find links to independent living facilities and agencies that assist people to live independently. Links:
NPR All Things Considered: Self-Determination At Work
SABE (Self-Advocates Becoming Empowered)

Recommended Reading:Teaching Self-Determination to Students with Disabilities Basic Skills for Successful Transition
By Michael L. Wehmeyer, Ph.D., Martin Agran, Ph.D., & Carolyn Hughes, Ph.D.

Too many students with disabilities leave school ill-prepared for adulthood. To teach them the specific skills they need for a more satisfactory, self-directed life, educators can turn to this teacher-friendly resource. In it they'll find not one generalized approach, but many ready-to-use practices for teaching the skills related to autonomy, self-regulation, self-advocacy, and self-realization. There are tips on what instructional strategies and materials to use and how best to work with students. Listed objectives and key terms at the beginning of each chapter allow for at-a-glance review and easy access to information. Vignettes and case studies sprinkled throughout the text demonstrate how to anticipate and resolve a range of problems. Practicing and prospective teachers will find this book to be a useful tool for meeting IDEA requirements while motivating high school students with disabilities to prepare for successful transitions to adulthood. ISBN 1-55766-302-5 $34.95 Brookes Publishing