Articles / Books


Babies with Down Syndrome: A New Parents' Guide, 2nd Edition
Edited by Karen Stray-Gundersen
This book is recommended for ALL new parents of children with Down syndrome. It is the primer for understanding Down syndrome issues facing parents and families. The guide covers such issues as emotional support, daily care, early intervention, special ed, legal and medical issues.
IABN# 0-933149-64-6 (Also available in Spanish)

Medical & Surgical Care for Children with Down Syndrome: A Guide for Parents

Edited by D.C. Van Dyke, M.D., Philip Mattheis, M.D., Susan Schoon Eberly, M.A., and Janet Williams, R.N., Ph.D.
Much-needed medical and surgical information in easy-to-understand language. Topics include medical decision making, preventative care, anesthesia concerns, heart disease, thyroid problems, skin conditions, gastrointestinal problems, leukemia, reproductive issues, ENT problems, orthopedic conditions, dental issues, and much more.
ISBN# 0-933149-54-9

The Down Syndrome Nutrition Handbook; A Guide to Promoting Healthy Lifestyles

Joan E. Guthrie Medlen, R.D., L.D.
Improve nutrition and manage weight with this book for healthy living for people with Down syndrome from birth to young adulthood. The author has a child with Down syndrome and is a registered dietitian. Topics include: breast and bottle feeding; basic nutrition and physiology; celiac disease, diabetes, alternative therapies, food and school, weight management, Fitness and exercise, Cooking and menu planning, and Education activities.
ISBN# 1-890627-23-2

Early Communication Skills for Children with Down Syndrome, A Guide for Parents and Professionals, 2nd Edition

Written by Libby Kumin, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
This guide explains the role of the speech-language pathologist and how they work to maximize communication development. Communication delays, possibly brought on or compounded by some characteristics of Down syndrome can lead to additional problems when children do not have intelligible speech and cannot communicate their needs. This is an expanded version of the first book, Communication Skills in Children with Down Syndrome. It focuses on speech and language development from birth through the stage of making 3-word phrases. It offers parents information on intelligibility issues, hearing loss, apraxia (difficulty planning oral-motor movements), and other factors that affect communication for children with Down syndrome. It explains how to prepare for and understand the results of a speech-language assessment, and goes on to describe what to expect in the years ahead when a child enters elementary school. Topics also include information on augmentative and alternative communication and other high- and low-tech supplemental communication options as well as articulation and literacy.
ISBN# 1-890627-27-5

Fine Motor Skills in Children with Down Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals

Maryanne Bruni, BSc OT(C)
1999 Parents' Choice Award. What are fine motor skills? Very simply they are the hand skills that allow us to do things like hold a pencil, cut with scissors, eat with a fork, or use a computer. This guide describes fine motor skill development in children with Down syndrome from birth through age 12. Many age-appropriate activities for practicing hand skills are included in this book, with step-by-step instructions and photographs. Broad categories of skills are covered, including self-help, school activities, and leisure and recreation.

ISBN# 1-890627-03-8

Gross Motor Skills in Children with Down Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals

Patricia C. Winders, P.T.
The author is a physical therapist who shares her expertise and experience gained from sixteen-year specializing in the motor development of children with Down syndrome. This guide provides parents and professionals with information about motor development. Over 100 activities and accompanying photos make it easy to practice motor skills with infants and children through age six. Lists of motor milestones included at the end of each chapter and in the appendix are useful in tracking a child's progress and determining what to work on next. Topics include head control, rolling, sitting, crawling, standing, walking, walking up and down inclines, kicking a ball, walking up and down stairs, running, jumping, riding a tricycle. 

ISBN# 0-933149-81-6

Adolescents with Down Syndrome: Toward a More Fulfilling Life

Edited by Siegfried M. Pueschel, M.D., Ph.D., J.D., M.P.H., & Mária Sustrová, M.D., Ph.D.
“Expanding the scope and depth of the classic The Young Person with Down Syndrome, the authors have incorporated significant scientific advances into their new volume on the issues that adolescents with this disability face. Written for health care professionals, psychologists, other developmental disabilities practitioners, educators, and parents, it covers biomedical concerns; behavioral, psychological, and psychiatric challenges; and education, employment, recreation, community, and legal concerns. Contributions from leading experts lend experience and perspective to this multidisciplinary resource.”
ISBN 1-55766-281-9
Brookes Publishing